

QUINN Kathleen  2nd Anniversary 6th June 2022 It's been two years of heartache since we lost you.  Today is such a painful day, full of sadness and grief,  you were a devoted wife, devoted mother and grandmother. You were the queen of our family and the  heart of our home. A million times we have needed  you, a million times we have cried, if love alone could  have saved you, you never would have died. In life  we loved you dearly and in death we love you still,  there is an ache in our hearts that no one can fill. It  broke our hearts to lose you but you didn’t go alone,  because part of us went with you that day when God  took you home. What we shared will never die as it  lives within our hearts, bringing strength and comfort  while we are apart. We have so many memories to  live our whole life through, each one of them reminds  us of how much we are missing you. You taught us a  lot in life but never how to live without you. There is  a lot of sadness in our hearts but your death was  never a goodbye because we know we will be re- united one day and you will be waiting for us with  loving arms. " As a family our hearts beat as one".  Loved and sorely missed every single day by your  loving husband Liam, your sons Francis, Liam and  daughters Lisa and Arlene and your beautiful grandchildren. Also remembered dearly by your son-in-law  Sean and daughter-in-law Paula x.