Birthday Memories


RAMSEY EMMETT Precious birthday memories of our beautiful son,  brother, uncle Emmett whose 37th birthday occurs 8th January. Our Lady wrap your Mantel  around him. Saint Pio pray for him. Today is  filled with memories, with happiness and tears,  of birthday celebrations we’ve shared throughout the years. Wishing you were here today for  even just a while, so we could sing happy birthday and see your beautiful smile. The only gifts  today will be the sweet memories you left behind, of love, laughter and happiness that echo  in our minds. We’ll gaze upon old pictures and  think of you with love, and hope that you are doing fine in Heaven up above. May our friends  and family hold you close and sing a birthday  song, while we blow kisses to the sky and off to  you we let them fly. Each one a wish wrapped in  love, that we send to you so high above. We feel  you watching over us and know you hear each I  love you, so everyday we send them high, these  kisses we blow to the sky. Happy Heavenly birthday Emmett (forever young). Loved and longed for everyday by his mum, dad, sisters, brothers, nephews and nieces xxxx.