

RAMSEY Emmett 22nd Anniversary Precious memories of our much loved  son, brother, uncle Emmett  whose 22nd Anniversary occurs 23rd January  Our Lady wrap your mantel around him St Pio pray for him. Your love is always with us Emmett, your place no  one can fill, in life we loved you dearly son, you  know we always will. No one knows the heartache  and what your parting cost but God in all his glory  has gained what we have lost. They say that life’s a  journey that will take us many years, some days are  filled with laughter and some days are filled with  tears. Some days we think our hearts will break, that  we can’t preserve, some days we have to don a  mask and hide beneath its veneer. Some days we  turn and look for you with thoughts we would like to  share, some days we just can’t understand the reason you are not there. Some days the sadness  leaves us and our smile will reappear, some days we  close our eyes because your memory is so clear,  some days we struggle to go on, just wishing you  were here. There will always be something missing,  no matter what we do, a constant ache within our  hearts, what’s missing Emmett is you. Loved and  longed for everyday by his heartbroken mum, dad,  brothers, sisters, nephew and nieces xxx. Forever  young xxx.