

REID Marie  Died 2nd July 2022  her first away from home. Our Lady of Knock wrap  your blue mantle around  her. A golden heart  stopped beating a year  ago today, that golden  heart was our  mummy/nanny/wee  nanny and we had to let  her go. She went on to a  place of beauty where her  pain and heartache no  longer exist. From the  moment that she left us  our hearts were broke forever, a void left behind  that no-one can replace  but knowing how she is  at peace brings a little  ease. To lose a  mummy/nanny/wee  nanny as special as ours  was a loss beyond com- pare, an emptiness and  hurt that all of us now  share. Our world turned  upside down the day God  called you home, who  now do we turn to and  depend on for you were  always the one. We miss  your smile, we miss your  love, we miss your hugs,  we miss your voice but  most of all we just miss  you. From your heartbroken family, your kids, grandkids and great  grandkids. We love you  forever and always.

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