

 REYNOLDS Patsy The family of the late  Patsy Reynolds wish to  thank most sincerely all  those who sympathised  and supported us follow- ing the loss of a much  loved husband, father,  grandfather, great-grand- father and brother.  Our  grateful thanks to every- one who helped and sup- ported us during the  wake and to all those  who called, sent mass  cards, flowers and mes- sages. A special thanks  to Fr Raymond  McCullough who cele- brated the requiem Mass  and to Cara and Hannah  McCann for their beauti- ful singing and music.  Our sincere thanks to  Laurence and Michael  and the staff at O’Neills   funeral directors for out- standing Professional funeral arrangements and  support. Our heartfelt  thanks to all those health  Professionals who cared  for Patsy over recent  years. To Dr David McCarthy and the doctors and  staff of Willow Medical  practice, to Hannah and  the district nurses, after  hours district nursing  team,  Grainne from the  hospice team and staff of  Belfast City hospital cancer centre and Bridgewater suite. Thanks to all our  family and friends whose  love and support and  kindness meant so much  to Patsy and our family.  As it would be impossible  to thank everyone indi- vidually please accept  this acknowledgment as  an expression of our  deepest gratitude. The  Holy sacrifice of the Mass  will be offered for the in- tentions of you all. Pat- sy’s Months Mind Mass  will be celebrated this  Saturday  25th March at  1pm in St Agnes Church.