ROONEY The brother of the late Leo Rooney would like to thank everyone who helped us through our recent difficult time. Special thanks to Rev Peter Carlin P.P for his lovely Mass and the lovely singer Zoe McCann. That’s my whole family gone, we were a very large and well known family in Bally McCarrett, now they all have passed away, only myself left. Last week there was two of us, Leo and myself now he has gone, leaves only me now. Leo was the youngest member of the family 81 years of age, myself will be 84 next month June, after myself that’s the family gone and a special thanks to my nephews Patrick Rooney who cared for Leo when he was ill. Patrick’s daughter was up and down to the hospital visiting him regular. As Leo never married, had no family. Leo’s month mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 26th May at St Matthews Church over the bridge Bally McCarrett at 12.00 Mass.