

ROONEY Neilly. 11th Anniversary occurred  30th April  2014 RIP. In loving memory  of my dear father. When you  were here with me you always looked after me, you  made me feel lovely, like I  was precious to you and all  these years since you have  been gone you still give me  clear signs when I need it.  Make me feel like you are  there looking after me and it  gives me some comfort. I  know you’re watching over  me, I know you always will. I  really  miss you dad. You  were the only parent I had.  So much loved a missed  your daughter Brina,  grand-daughters Lisa and  Lynsey and great grandchildren Katie-Leigh, Kará,  Grace, Leo, Aoifé, Rheá and  Caidáin, We love and miss  you grandad.