

RULES Jackie 1st Anniversary occurs 11th October The days go by without you  daddy and each one is the  same, my mind is filled with  thoughts of you, in tears I  speak your name. They say  that time’s a healer and that  life has to go on, but my life  will never be the same now  the daddy I love has gone.  My heart is so sore and  broke daddy, I wish I could  just have you back so we  could just lie in bed listen- ing to Andy. I love you so  much daddy but some day  there will be a time for us.  Your heartbroken daughter  Joan and Barney xxx.

RULES Jackie 1st Anniversary occurs 11th October.  We miss your smile your  joking ways, we miss the  things we used to say, and  when old times we do recall, it’s then we miss you most of all.  Until we meet  again granda, marvellous  pal. Loved and missed always Máirín, Saorlaith, Caolan and Andie.

RULES Jackie. 1st Anniversary occurs 11th October. A  smile for all, a heart of gold,  these are the memories we  all hold. No verse, no tears,  no words can say, how  much we miss you everyday. See ya later mucker.  Love John, Mary and family  xxx.

Jackie rules