

SHAW JOHN 1st Anniversary Precious and beautiful  memories of my brother  John whose 1st Anniversary occurs 31st May,  John’s first away from  home. God saw you getting tiered when a cure  was not to be, He  wrapped His arms around  you and whispered “come  to me”. How well I do remember all the special  times we had, as we were  raised side by side sharing good times, sharing  bad. Sometimes we  would disagree but al- ways made up in the end,  but as we grew to be  adults we became the  best of friends. Then you  heard the voice of Jesus  gently calling from an  high, he was holding out  his loving arms, but I  could not say “goodbye”.  So I said “see you later”  dear brother wait for me,  in the beauty of Gods gar- den where the best is yet  to be. You rest in the  arms of the angels now  with our Emmett by your  side, your free from all  you suffered and all that  was unfair. I love you  John, look after our son  Emmett hug and kiss him  for us until we can all be  together again. Saint Pio  pray for them. Loved and  sorely missed by his  heartbroken sister Colette  and brother-in-law Seamus xxx.