

STEENSON Precious memores of our close family  friend Rab whose 1st Anniversary occurs. Memories  hold us close from which  we’ll never part, God has  you in his keeping we have  you in our hearts. Big Rab  you will never be forgotten.  By Sharon McKeown also  Shauneen Richy, Paul,  Sionann, Aaron, Bridgeen,  Caolan and Joanne who all  thought the world of you. xx

STEESON Rab. Loving memories of my much loved brother-in-law his 1st away from home. One year has passed so quickly like the blinking of an eye, the memories seen like yesterday they always make us cry, but tears are not what you would want as you look down from above, for you would want only smiles and remembering you with love. Always loved and remembered Margaret Nelson