

STOREY Bobby 1st Anniverasry 21st June Even after a year my heart  aches for you. You were the  light of my life, you will live  on in my dreams and not a  day goes by that I don’t  think of you. I will love and  miss you forever. Teresa.

STOREY Bobby 1st Anniverasry 21st June. 1st  away from home. Those we  love don’t go away, they  walk beside us every day.  Unseen, unheard but always  near, still loved, still missed  and very dear. Feargal, Angelina and grandchildren  Maisie, Cain, Ruairi and  Luca.

 STOREY Bobby 1st Anniversary 21st June. Our  hearts  still ache with sadness and  secret tears still flow, for  what it meant to lose you no  one will ever know. We love  and miss you so much  Bobby. Sean, Michelle and  grandchildren Che, Fionn,  Fiadh and baby Bobby.