

 SULLIVAN Eileen 1st Anniversary. One year ago we  had to part with an aunt we  loved with all our hearts.  Look after her God in Your  garden of rest, for on this  earth she was one of the  best. Your heartbroken  nieces Laura, Deborah, Ann- Marie and Nephew Hugh

SULLIVAN  Eileen 1st Anniversary. Precious memories  of my wee sis Eileen. Eileen  I would give up all my treas- ures and everything I own, if  God would only say to me  your sisters coming home. A  sister's love is a blessing  and that is what I miss, I  wish I could have you back  instead of writing this. If  only you could come to me  and tell me your alright, then maybe that would ease my pain and help me sleep at night. Loved and missed so much your heartbroken big sis Mary and Hugh.