

SULLIVAN/GALLAGHER CHLOE LOUISE In loving memory of my first born daughter (Chloe  Louise) whose 23rd Anniversary occurs on the 15th  July. Twenty three years have passed so quickly  but the pain is still sore, every minute of everyday I  miss you more and more. If I could have one life- time wish, one dream that could come true, I would  pray to God with all my heart to see and cuddle  you. I cannot have the days we had you together  but secret tears and loving memories stay with me  forever. Loved and missed by her daddy Desi, sisters and brother. 

SULLIVAN/GALLAGHER In loving memory of my first grand-daughter Chloe Louise whose 23rd Anniversary occurs on the 15th July. My Angel up in Heaven I wanted you to know, I feel you watching  over me everywhere I go. I wish you were here with  me but that can never be, memories of you are in  my heart that only I can see. Always loved and remembered by her granny Eileen Gallagher and uncles.