

The Republican Socialist  Movement Remember with  Honor and with Pride those  who gave their lives for Na- tional Liberation and Social- ism, their sacrifice will  never be forgotten. INLA Vol  Seamus Costello Assassinated 5th October 1977, INLA Vol Anthony McClelland killed in action 16th October 1979, INLA Vol Ronnie Bunting murdered by state forces 15th October 1980, INLA Vol Noel Little murdered by state forces 15th October 1980, INLA Vol  Colm Maguire died 10th Oc- tober 1987, INLA Vol Patrick  Paddybo Campbell killed in  action 10th October 1999.  “The Struggle for any dream  is worthwhile, for in the  struggle lies the strength  and fulfillment to fight for  what you believe in.”