THOMPSON NOELEEN 24th February 2021 Aged 28 4th Anniversary Daughter, also my mother May Thompson whose 18th anniversary occurs. I close my eyes to see your face, suddenly I feel a warm embrace. No matter how life changes, no matter what I do, we wont for- get the precious times the ones we spent with you. Loved and missed by your daddy.
THOMPSON Noeleen Mammy silent thoughts of times together hold memories that will last forever. Sadly missed by your two boys Reece and Jacob. Big kiss and hug from us. xxxx
THOMPSON Noeleen Niece 4th anniversary. Re- membering you is easy I do it everyday, missing you is the heartache it never goes away. Sadly missed everyday uncle Robert.
THOMPSON Noeleen Niece 4th Anniversary. THOMPSON May Mother 18th Anniversary. The pain in our hearts is here to stay, the tears in our eyes we wipe away, with aching hearts we whisper low we miss you Noeleen we love you so. Always re- membered by your uncle Dee and aunt Mary.