

THOMPSON JOSEPH (JOE) In loving memory of my dear husband Joe whose 3rd Anniversary occurs 1st March RIP We made our vows together that we would never part, but when God came and took you  my whole world fell apart. To me you were someone special, someone set apart, God has  you in His keeping, I have you in my heart. May the winds of Heaven blow softly and whis- per in your ear, how much I love and miss you and wish that you were here. Until we meet  again. Miss you always. Your loving wife Kathleen. St Patrick pray for him. (Up the Celts  Joe).

THOMPSON Joseph (Joe). In loving memory of our father and grandfather Joe whose 3rd  Anniversary occurs 1st March 2025 RIP. Lonely is our home without you daddy, life to us  has never been the same, all our worlds would be like Heaven if we could have you home  again. To the world you were one, to us you were our world. When we meet again at those  pearly gates that’s when our broken hearts will fall back into place. Rest easy in paradise.  We will always love and miss you daddy from your heartbroken daughter Kate,  grand-daughter Seána, grandson KevinBarry and families xxx 

THOMPSON Joe. In loving memory of our daddy and grandfather on his 3rd Anniversary  which occurs on 1st March RIP. He was a daddy so very rare, content in his home and al- ways there. On earth he toiled, in Heaven he rests, God bless you daddy you were one of  the best. Loved and missed every single day. Your heartbroken daughter Anne, son-in-law  Cruncher and grandchildren James, Catriona, Liam óg and T.J xxxxxx

THOMPSON Joseph (Joe). In loving memory of my much loved daddy whose 3rd Anniversary occurs 1st March RIP. A father, a friend, a grandfather too, each one of us thought the  world of you. You shared our troubles and helped us along, if we follow your footsteps we  will never go wrong. Loved and missed every day by your son Kevin, Leanne and grandchildren Michael, Kevin, Katie and Rosie. (Up the Celts daddy).

THOMPSON Joseph (Joe). 3rd Anniversary occurs 1st March 2025. RIP. In loving memory  of my much loved and missed daddy. Just a prayer from a family who loved you, just a  memory fond and true, in my  heart you will live forever because we thought the world of  you. From your heartbroken son John, grand-daughter Majella, grandsons Jonathan,  Christopher and families. (Up the Hoops daddy). (Daddy please look after Linda for me  and our family RIP love).

THOMPSON Joseph (Joe). 3rd Anniversary occurs 1st March 2025 RIP. In loving memory  of our much loved father and grandfather Joe. A million times I’ve needed you, a million  times I’ve cried, if love could have saved you, you never would have died. In life I loved  you dearly, in death I love you still, in my heart you hold a place no one else can fill. Loved  and missed always by his heartbroken son Joesh, wife Rosaleen, grand-daughters Ciara,  Rosaleen, grandsons Joseph, Cathál and families. (Up the Celts da)

THOMPSON Bernard. 20th Anniversary. Sad but beautiful memories of my son whose anniversary occurs 3rd March RIP. I hold you deep within my heart and there you shall re- main, to walk with me and talk with me until we meet again. Remembering also his  granny Rosie whose anniversary occurs also on 3rd March, his uncle John on 7th March  RIP. Will those who think of them today, a little prayer to Jesus say. Sadly missed by your  loving mother Kathleen (Up the Celts Barney T). Look after your daddy for me son.

THOMPSON Bernard 20th Anniversary occurs 3rd March. RIP. Death leaves a heartache  no one can heal, love leaves us memories that no one can steal. St Martin pray for him.  Loved and remembered by his loving bro Joesh, wife Rosaleen, nieces Ciara, Rosaleen,  nephews Joe and Cathál (Up the Celts Barney T)

THOMPSON Bernard. 20th Anniversary occurs 3rd March RIP. In loving memory of much  loved and missed brother Barney. Never more than a prayer away, loved and missed every  day. By his sorrowing brother Kevin, Leanne, nephews Michael, Kevin, Katie and Rosie.  (Up the Celts Barney T).

THOMPSON Bernard. 20th Anniversary occurs 3rd March RIP. To us you were someone  special, to others a part of their past, but to us your loving family, your memory will al- ways last. Always loved and missed by your sorrowing sister Anne, brother-in-law Crun- cher, niece Catrioná, nephews James, Liam óg and T.J xxx (Up the Celts Barney T).

THOMPSON Bernard. 20th Anniversary occurs 3rd March RIP. We think about you often  and talk about you still, you haven’t been forgotten, God knows you never will. Loved and  missed so much by his loving brother John, niece Majella, nephews Jonathon, Christo- pher and families. St Joseph pray for him. (Up the Hoops Barney T). Bernard please look  after Linda for me and our family. RIP love.

THOMPSON Bernard. 20th Anniversary occurs 3rd March. Much loved brother and uncle.  To some you are forgotten, to others you’re part of the past but to us your family who love  you, your memory will always last. There’s not a day goes past that you’re not spoke  about Bernard. We will always love and miss you from your heartbroken sister Kate, niece  Seána, nephew KevinBarry and families xxx