

 TONER  Alice  Whose 1st Anniversary  occurs 13th October  St Theresa pray for her We had a wonderful  mother, one who never  really grew old, her smile  was made out of sunshine and her heart was  solid gold. Her eyes were  as bright as shining stars  and in her cheeks roses  you could see, we had a  wonderful mother and  that's the way it will always be. Loved and  missed every day by your  daughter Annemarie,  grandchildren and great  grandchildren. God Bless  xx. 

TONER Alice 1st Anniver- sary. This year without you  mummy is the saddest I  have known, I only wish  with all my heart that you  were back at home. I never  ask for miracles, but today  just one would do, to see  the front door open and you  to come through. The family  chain is broken and life will  never be the same, the link  that is missing mummy is  the one that bears your  name. Forever missed and  always loved your daughter  Roisin, husband Tommy and  family. St. Anthony pray for  her.

 TONER Alice In loving memory of my dear mother  whose 1st Anniversary occurs on the 13th of October  RIP. Saint Teresa pray for  her. We had a special  mother, patient, kind and  true, no one else in all the  world could quite compare  with you. As we look upon  your picture, sweet memories we recall, of a face so  full of sunshine and a smile  for one and all. Sweet Jesus  take this message to our  mother up above, tell her  how much we miss her and  give her all our love. Loved  and missed by her daughter  Eilish, son-in-law Joseph  and all her grandchildren.

 TONER Alice. 1st anniversary  October 13th. It's not what  we write or even what we  say, but how we remember  you in our own special way.  Never more than a thought  away, loved and missed  every day. Your daughter  Bernie, John, grandchildren  and great grandchildren.

TONER Alice. 1st Anniver- sary of my granny Alice.  Sadly missed by the big lad  Michael. I pray for you all  the time granny. Always re- membered by Michael Morris, also Kellie, Gerard,  Cathy and Orlagh. St  Theresa pray for her.