Birthday Memories


TRAINOR Margaret. Birthday  memories of my wee  mummy, her 2nd away from  home. If I could send a post- card to Heaven up above,  I’d tell you that I miss you  and seal it with my love.  Pain could fill a thousand  pages but what good would  that do because the only  thing I long for is to get one  back from you. So if the an- gels are listening every time  I pray, I hope they send the  message that I miss you  every day. For now I’ll keep  the postcard here, I hope  you understand, please  keep watching over me until  I deliver it by hand. So let  the stars be your candles  mummy, keep them burning  bright, so when I look to  Heaven I know that you’re  alright. Loved and missed  every day. Your daughter  Tricia xxx.

 TRAINOR Margaret. Birthday  memories of my precious  mummy, her 2nd away from  home. If flowers grow in  Heaven on land that’s wild  and free Lord, place some in  my mummy’s arms and tell  her they’re from me. Please  tell her there’s still so much  that I would like to say. Re- membering her is easy,  she’s in everything I do, I  miss her so much every day  but I know she’s safe with  you. If tears could build a  stairway made from all the  pain, I’d walk right up to  Heaven and bring her back  again. Lord please take care  of her and I hope that she  will see, that she was such  a special person and a spe- cial mummy to me. Loved  and missed every day. Your  heartbroken daughter Mag- gie and Colm xxx.