

WALKER Catherine second anniversary occurs 11th January. I thought of you today, but that is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday and the days before that too. I often speak your name but all I have are my memories with you. I miss and love you, sleep tight. From your loving husband Manuel.

Walker Catherine second anniversary occurs 11th January. So many things of you I miss so much, your gentle hug and tender kiss. I still can feel your warm embrace and picture your loving face. A mothers tasks are never done and heaven must have needed one, I miss you so much mummy and I look for you everyday in the rainbows, keep shining bright for me. I love you so much. From your heartbroken daughter Nicole and partner Chris.

Walker Catherine second anniversary occurs 11th January. To have you for a mum was cause enough for pride, no-one could be your equal however much they tried. I lost a mum in a million, I loved her to the end, I lost two precious things that day, my mother and friend. From your heartbroken daughter Niamh, partner Tommy and grandchildren Caolan and Calaeb. 
