

WALKER Catherine First Anniversary occurs 11th January 2023. Gone from my life but not from my heart. Too good in life to be forgotten in death. Remembered and loved always from your husband Manuel.

WALKER Catherine 1st Anni- versary passed away 11th  January 2022. One year has  gone without you here with  me. To have you for a  mummy was cause enough  for pride, no-one could  equal to the mum and  nanny you were. The day  God called your name my  heart broke in two. I miss  your love, I miss your touch  mummy I miss you so  much, I lost two precious  things that day, my mummy  and my best friend. You  taught me many things in  life that I would have to do,  but mum you never taught  me how to cope with the  pain of losing you. To the  world you were one but to  me you were the world. I’m  going to miss you longer  than I have had you. Re- membered and missed always from your heartbroken daughter Niamh, partner Tommy and grandkids Caolan and Calaeb.