

KELLY Patrick  2nd Anniversary  9th February 2021 Daddy the 9th February  2019 I lay beside you on  your bed with my arms  around you, your head on  my shoulder. You took your  last breath and I knew you  were gone, I didn't want to  let you go. You were my  hero who fought right to the  end but I knew that morning  it was your last fight. I  would give anything to be  your nurse Kelly again to  look after you, even if I did  shout at you to go to the  hospital, stay out of pubs it  was all to keep you here  longer. I am so proud to be  your baby daughter Moe,  still can't believe you’re not  here, my heart was broken  when you went and will  never be repaired. I'll look  after mummy as I promised,  please keep being my angel. Loved and missed every  second your broken hearted  daughter Maureen xx your  baby Moe.