Mother’s Day Blessings


LAGAN Leanne and Mary.  Mother's Day Blessings sent  to our mummy Leanne and  granny Mary her 1st away  from home. You left us  beautiful memories, your  love is still our guide, although we cannot see you,  you’re always by our side.  Loved always and missed  by Stephen, Jamie-Leigh  and Caitlin, also loved and  missed by your husband  and father Billy xxx

LAGAN Mary. Mother’s Day  Blessings sent to Heaven to  my beautiful mummy Mary  her 1st away from home.  Your life was blessing, your  memory a treasure, you are  loved beyond words and  missed beyond measure.  Loved and missed always  by your daughter Mary,  Tony and grandchildren  Tony óg, Michael and Connor. xxx

LAGAN Mary. Mother’s Day  blessings sent to Heaven for  my mummy Mary (her 1st  away from home). Mummy  it’s our first Mothers Day  without you, you’re always  in our hearts and on our  minds. Love and miss you  very much mummy. Missed  always from your son Liam,  Brigid and grandchildren  Nikita and Corey xx.

LAGAN Mary Mothers Day  Blessings. Well mummy this  is not how I thought I would  be wishing you a Happy  Mothers Day but God had  other plans for you. You  were a top angel on earth  so He needed you for  Heaven. My only comfort is  you have now got our  Leanne back in your arms,  and I know you will be  happy with that. Sleep tight  my two beautiful angels.  Love and miss you so so  much, your heartbroken  daughter Kathleen, husband  Joe and grandchildren Lisa,  Joseph, Padraig and Caelan  and great grandchildren.  Enjoy Mothers day with all  the family up above xoxoxox

LAGAN Mary Mothers Day  Blessing. Mothers day  blessing sent to Heaven to  my wee mummy, my first  without you. Oh mummy  how I wish things were different. I just don’t know how  I’m doing this, you were not  only my mummy but my  best friend. Have a lovely  Mothers Day with our  Leanne and entire family. I  love and miss you loads,  keep looking down on me  until we meet again. Happy  Mothers Day my princess,  my world, my everything.  Love Bernadette, Neily, Caoimhin, Cormac, Racheal and Mila-Rose xxxxx

LAGAN Mary 1st Mother’s  day away from home. When  God was making mothers  He must have made a fuss,  He spent a lot of time on  one and that one He gave to  us. For all the gifts in life  however great or small, to  have you as our mummy  was the greatest gift of all.  Because you were so special, no words could ever  say, how much we love and  miss you, today and everyday. From your broken  hearted son Kevin and  Frankie.