

McCRUDDEN Ciarán 1st Anniversary on the 24th August Our Lady pray for him. And one day everything  changed...My whole world upside down, my heart broken in pieces on the ground.  My precious son was taken from me so suddenly and so tragically just one day. Love mammy and Kevin. xo

McCRUDDEN Ciaran. 1st Anniversary 24th August. Beloved son of Pat and the  late Billy. Sad are the hearts that loved you, silent the tears that fall, having you  for a friend was the greatest  gift of all. Our Lady Queen of Peace keep him safe. Words and times we can no longer share but in our thoughts you’re always there. From your heartbroken friends Peárse, Conall, Adam, Conor, Brandon and Jamanji.

McCRUDDEN Ciarán 24th  August first away from home. Our Lady pray for  him. Goodbyes are not forever goodbyes are not the end they simply mean I’ll  miss you Ciarán until we meet again. Love Péarse  and Shelly.