

VALLIDAY 3rd Anniversary of my mother Lena  RIP Also remembering my father Patrick and brothers wee  Buck, Kevin, Danny and Martin. A mother’s love is a  blessing and that is what I miss, I wish I could have  you back instead of writing this. I lost a mother with a  heart of gold, how much I miss you can never be told.  Daughter Alice and Martin O’Rawe

VALLIDAY Lena 3rd Anniversary. A tribute for a mother  so dear, so close to my heart every day of the year. A  bond so strong it won’t let go, because I miss and love  you so. Ma sleep with the Angels. Daughter Sheila and  family. 

VALLIDAY Lena 3rd Anniversary. Thank you granny for  the years we shared, the love you gave and the way  you cared. You left a place no one can fill, miss you  and granda and always will. Martina, Fra Hughes and  family.