“I WAS suffering from various physical health problems by 2022, and after a visit with my doctor, who looked through some scans which I had taken in or around 2018, it was discovered that I had suffered from an Ischemic stroke and was also diagnosed with FND,” Andrea Douglas reflects. 

"I was admitted to a stroke ward and prescribed high doses of medication due to the risk of suffering from another stroke. I knew I needed to do something about my health before it was too late. I had been to Slimming World a few years previously, but didn’t stick at it. This time was different though, so I picked up the phone and had a chat with Martine.

“Three weeks later, I walked through the doors of Martine’s Saturday morning goup in Greencastle on Saturday 23rd August 2022.  I left feeling motivated, supported and inspired that this time, Slimming World would work for me. At my first weigh-in the following week, I had lost 3.05lbs! I was absolutely delighted.

“I sailed through the following 25 weeks with weight losses ranging from 0.5lb to 4lbs per week, with no gains or maintains and so by week 26, I had a total weight loss of four stones and 7.05lbs! How amazing is that?

“Not only had my physical and mental health improved, but I had dropped four dress sizes, taken up some ‘Body Magic’ and had tons of energy to do activities with my grandchildren. I was really enjoying life again. I knew I wanted to lose more weight though, so I continued to Food Optimise as always, enjoying the variety of free foods we can eat on the plan and still enjoy my treats when I wanted to. I went on holiday to Benidorm with my husband and family in 2023 and with a brand new wardrobe of clothes and more confidence than I ever had before. Although I came back with a ‘holiday gain’, I did not let this deter me from getting back on plan and to continue my weight loss journey.


“The support from my Consultant Martine and the peer support and encouragement in group from other members is just wonderful. They are there for you every single week and you never feel you are alone on this journey. I have made new friends for life.
“To date, I have now lost eight stone and 2lbs.  I intend to be at my final Personal Achievement Target by my second anniversary of joining on the 24th of August this year!”

Consultant Martine says:  “I knew from that first phone call with Andrea, that she was going to be someone special. I could just hear and feel the determination and focus in her voice as she explained the reasons why she was ready to join me. Andrea has already described the amazing health benefits she has enjoyed since losing weight, and we sometimes forget that this is more important than just wanting to look good in our clothes. Of course, achieving both is just fabulous. Andrea is a much loved and valued member of our group and we just know that she will hit that final target in August. Go Andrea!”
Contact Martine on mobile number 07776497093
FB: Slimming World 
with Martine
Saturday Morning Group, St Mary’s Parish Hall, Shore Road, Greencastle @ 8.00am, 9.30am and 11.00am
Thursday Morning Group, Marrowbone Community Hub, 
Oldpark Road @ 9.30am