IN the world of healthcare, the concept of standing on the shoulders of giants holds immense significance. It is about building upon the knowledge, wisdom and innovations of those who came before us to drive progress and innovation. This concept came to life in a remarkable way during a fateful meeting between Dr Jim Doty of Stanford University and Dougie Adams of Connected Health. Together, with their shared vision, they are poised to enshrine compassion at the heart of the healthcare business, Connected Health.

Connected Health has gained prominence in recent years. It's all about leveraging technology and innovation to create more patient-centred and efficient healthcare systems. But what Dr Jim, Dougie and I believe is that the core of Connected Health is compassion, empathy and, above all, the human touch.

Jim is renowned for his groundbreaking work in the fields of neuroscience and compassion. His journey from a troubled childhood to becoming a celebrated neurosurgeon is nothing short of inspiring. His memoir, 'Into the Magic Shop', is a testament to the transformative power of compassion and mindfulness. When Jim and Dougie met, it was a meeting of two individuals deeply committed to making the world a more compassionate place. Their shared vision was a beacon of hope as I sat and listened to what that vision looked like and I was humbled to bear witness to the language of compassion.

Dougie, a native of West Belfast, is in my eyes a natural visionary, a man who embodies compassion. He's not a doctor or a scientist, but he possesses something equally valuable – a profound understanding of the human condition and the power of compassion. As the founder of Connected Health, he's been at the forefront of the healthcare revolution. Yet he also understands the risks of technology-driven dehumanisation in healthcare. This understanding, along with his passion for making a difference, brought him into alignment with Jim's vision.

My involvement in this transformative journey is as a mindfulness practitioner and advocate for the integration of compassion. While I don't have the medical or scientific expertise of Dr Jim or the practical experience of Dougie, I've seen first-hand the impact of compassionate care on patients and healthcare professionals. I firmly believe that compassion has the power to move hearts and change minds. The narratives of patients who received compassionate care and healthcare providers who delivered it can be a driving force for positive change in Connected Health.

The collaboration between Jim and Dougie, each bringing their unique strengths, is set to revolutionise the way healthcare is delivered across all services. Jim's expertise in neuroscience and compassion research will provide the scientific foundation. Dougie's practical experience in healthcare technology will ensure the development of the existing compassion delivered in the infrastructure of Connected Health.