TWO people have been remanded in custody after a man was stabbed and a woman pushed down the stairs during an aggravated burglary in West Belfast at the weekend.

Jonathan Maguire (48), of The Mount in East Belfast and Courtney McCaul 25), from Cherry Court in Twinbrook appeared at Belfast Magistrates Court on Monday on charges of aggravated burglary with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm, criminal damage, and attempted grievous bodily harm with intent.

The court heard officers called to the scene were told that the two defendants had arrived at the Gardenmore Walk property in Twinbrook armed with a knife and golf club.

They allegedly broke the downstairs windows and then entered the house.

The man, who was found covered in blood, claimed he had been stabbed by Maguire and struck about the head with the golf club by McCaul.

The woman alleged Maguire approached and pushed her down the stairs, leaving her with a broken foot.

Both defendants were located and arrested a short time later at McCaul’s home.

They have been remanded into custody until August 19.