TRIBUTES have been paid to Carrick Hill woman Patricia Stitt after her sudden passing.

Patricia was much loved in the area and a stalwart of the Carrick Hill Community Centre where she worked for years.

Frank Dempsey from Carrick Hill Community Centre described Patricia as a 'one-off' and praised her years of work with the centre and the community.

"If there was one phrase to sum up Patricia it would just be a one-off," he said. "She worked as our part-time caretaker here and you never saw anyone cleaning as much, we actually had to stop her from cleaning on several occasions as she was doing so much.

"I remember we had gotten several large white rolls of paper for cleaning the gym and she just went through them like they were going out of fashion cleaning everything and we had to tell her to stop!

"She was just such a lovely person, very enthusiastic and helpful, it didn't matter what needed to be done, day or night, she'd be there. Christmas, Easter or Halloween she'd be here and she loved dressing up for the kids. She had just finished our Summer Scheme with the kids and they all loved her."


Frank continued, saying that Patricia's passing had left the community in mourning but added that he was glad that her family and the community were able to give her the send-off that she deserved.

"It was so tragic,Patricia passing so suddenly the way she did, it's really put a big dark cloud over the whole area and you can see that by the amount of people who turned out for her funeral. She really was the life and soul of things around here.

"It's just as well the kids are back at school now or else you wouldn't have got moving in this district, that's how well loved she was in the area."

TRIBUTES: Patricia's family and the wider Carrick Hill community turned out yesterday to pay tribute to the life of Patricia Stitt

TRIBUTES: Patricia's family and the wider Carrick Hill community turned out yesterday to pay tribute to the life of Patricia Stitt

Frank added: "She was just so kind; we run a bit of a food bank here in the centre and a pensioner came in and he was looking for a loaf but we didn't have any. Patricia said don't worry I'll get you one but he said he didn't have any money and she came back with the bread and a load of buns for him and told him not to worry at all, that's just she kind of person she was."

LOVED: Patricia Stitt was beloved by all in the Carrick Hill community

LOVED: Patricia Stitt was beloved by all in the Carrick Hill community

Numerous tributes to Patricia were also posted on social media including her brother-in-law Jim Hall who posted:  I can't believe I'm writing a post about you Trish, someone who meant so much to not only me and Angie but was such a big part of our kids' lives and grandkids. To lose you so suddenly is heartbreaking, you were always so full of life and always ready to help anyone that needed and always with a smile on your face."

Patricia leaves behind her sons, father, sisters, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, nieces and nephews and the wider Carrick Hill community. The service was held at St Patrick’s Church, Donegall Street, followed by cremation at Roselawn Crematorium.