Glow NI was established 13 years ago in response to the lack of access to expert, tailored mental health services targeting the significant rise in mental health issues being experienced in girls and women in the community.  

Glow NI supports women and girls to feel heard, valued and empowered.

We have three core programmes:  

LILY (for 10-13yr olds)

This early-intervention, 8-week programme builds self-esteem and self-confidence by examining the specific issues young girls face, rebuilding self-perception of challenges, and supporting resilience development.   

Fearless & Female (for 14 – 17yr olds)

This 8-week programme with three key modules: Personal Development and mental health; gender equality, and empowerment, equips young women with the tools and support needed to navigate the complexities of adolescence while fostering a sense of fearlessness and empowerment.  


The programme provides the tools needed for self-awareness, confidence and developing positive mental health habits.  

The Real Me (for ladies aged 18 plus)

This 8-week programme is a personal development programme for women aged 18+.  

We aim to equip women with life skills that will enable them to make positive life chances and begin living a life with purpose.  

No matter what background, all women face issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, a sense of hopelessness and a lack of identity.  The Real Me tackles these issues with a tailored programme depending on the needs of the women.

Our next set of programmes are due to start in Autumn, please contact (Youth Worker) or (Women’s Project Coordinator) for more information on our Programmes.    

Unit B1/1 1st Floor Old Mill, Conway Mill,  5 - 7 Conway Street, BT13 2DE E: M: 07721469916 W: