WE look back at the stories that were making the headlines this week in the Andersonstown News in 1982

IN THE RING: Manager John Kelly gives a plaque to Owolabi of Mertyl ABC after the Belfast versus Toxteth Boxing tournament in Andersonstown Leisure Centre

IN THE RING: Manager John Kelly gives a plaque to Owolabi of Mertyl ABC after the Belfast versus Toxteth Boxing tournament in Andersonstown Leisure Centre

Lenadoon residents demand equal rights

LENADOON residents are up in arms at a surprise decision by the Housing Executive not to instal central heating in houses occupied by ‘squatters’.

Last week householders in Lenadoon Avenues were struck off the Central Heating list because they are not legal tenants.

But at a protest in the Avenue on Monday and at a public meeting in the Glen Community Centre on Tuesday night, it was made clear that residents of the area want all occupants to be treated equally,

Explained a spokeswoman: “We don’t regard any of our neighbours as squatters. They have been here in most cases for ten or 11 years and pay rent weekly, the same as anybody else.

“Moreover,” she added, “until now the Executive has installed the new fires and radiators in almost 30 homes occupied by people without legal tenancy.”

However, the Housing Executive is adamant that all residents must become legalised before they receive the heating. But at a meeting on Wednesday with representatives of the local community association, HE officials agreed to review the status of the 13 householders who were refused the central heating.

A decision on the matter is expected early next week. And if the Executive maintains its hard line it is likely that residents will fulfil a promise at their Tuesday night meeting “to take further action” in support of their demand.

Sponsors Patrick Sullivan and Eddie Corbett present to John McAreavey with John Burns, Eddie Skillen and Desi Lamihiu

Sponsors Patrick Sullivan and Eddie Corbett present to John McAreavey with John Burns, Eddie Skillen and Desi Lamihiu

Poleglass: Where we are now

WHEN the Poleglass scheme was first mooted in the mid-70s it was to have included 5,000 houses plus shops and factories. However, following pressure from loyalists opposed to the further spread of Catholics into the Lisburn District, the project was cut to less than half the original number of houses, an occasional shop and no factories.

In October 1980 as the first 200 houses were being built the Falls Community Council carried out an investigation into the estate’s progess. It was feared at the time that, eventually, less than 1,000 houses would be built. Now the FCC has produced a brief report on Poleglass which they commissioned just this month. 

Poleglass is being deleloped in two stages called neighbourhoods. These neighbourhoods are in turn sub-divided into smaller areas. Stage One, known as the Colin Neighbourhood, is nearing completion.

Old Colin and Colin Mill which consists of 311 houses is one of three sections in this neighbourhood. Within sight of the main road into Twinbrook this area has won much praise for its attractive design. Also in this neighbourhood is Colinbrook and Colin Glen which is made up of 345 Housing Executive and 110 housing association houses. All of these dwellings situated at the back of Poleglass, are either occupied or started. The housing association work involved John Butcher, who are building 50 dwellings for the elderly, and Habinteg, who are building 58 houses suitable for disabled tenants.

In the final phase of the Colinbroke – an area earmarked for private houses – it is planned to build over 50 houses in Pembroke as a “buffer” between the Housing Executive houses and the up market private homes in Glengoland. The contract for this development appears to have gone to Unit Construction in December 1980 but to date no work has begun and it is thought Unit may have withdrawn from the scheme.

Brendan McKeown (Star) and Brian George, Brendan Martin, Mary Crawford, Eddie Corbett and James Lagan at the North Belfast Darts League presentation in the Highfield Club

Brendan McKeown (Star) and Brian George, Brendan Martin, Mary Crawford, Eddie Corbett and James Lagan at the North Belfast Darts League presentation in the Highfield Club

Rock at the Busybee set to go ahead

FOLLOWING a report of thunder and lightning, 10 Past 7 were forced to cancel last week’s outdoor rock festival. However, things seem set to go ahead this Saturday and if it all goes well it should be a day to remember.

There’ll be something for everyone from punk to rockabilly and the organisers hope that the Andersonstown audience will receive each band with equal fervour, setting aside any musical bias and living up to the reputation of being the best audience in the world.

The show kicks off at 12 noon and the bands involved are St Vitus Dance, Bankrobbers, Rebel Running Wild and 10 Past 7.

If the concert is trouble free more events of this nature will take place during the summer so help put Andytown on the map and boogie till your socks get sweaty. See youse at the gig!

John Burns, Danny O'Neill, Harry Gilmore (sponsor), John McAreavey, Desi Lamihiu at the North Belfast Darts League presentation in the Highfield Club

John Burns, Danny O'Neill, Harry Gilmore (sponsor), John McAreavey, Desi Lamihiu at the North Belfast Darts League presentation in the Highfield Club