O'Donovan Rossa GAC have been awarded Healthy Club Status thanks to its Health and Wellbeing Committee.

This accreditation means that Rossa, in conjunction with the GAA and others, will work to provide health and wellbeing initiatives within the club and the community it serves, while also now in a position to avail of funding for future projects.

The work to achieve this status began in 2019 with seven hard-working members completing seven stages that involved starting a Health and Wellbeing group, carrying out club and community consultation and developing an actin plan centred on providing health and wellbeing initiatives for Rossa members.

"The Healthy Club funding, along with grants from support organisations, has given us the resources to deliver physical and mental health-related programmes," explained chairperson, Margaret Flynn.

"These include circuit training; mindfulness training; yoga; Christmas family cook-along; drug, alcohol and suicide awareness sessions; and a smoking cessation initiative for a smoke-free environment at Rossa Park.

"Our 32 County Challenge was an amazing success and helped people stay active during the first Covid-19 lockdown, while our online bingo proved to be a family fun event, as was our carers event on Zoom with senior members of the club helping young Rossa Gaels make important decisions on their futures."

On Wednesday, the club held a Mental Health and Resistance workshop in co-operation with Bremar Training for 10 to 13-year-olds as part of the club's summer scheme.

Rossa intends to continue this and similar work in conjunction with the club's juvenile committee and external organisations to provide support to members and their families.

There are some exciting programmes planned over the next few months for the club's over 14s and adults in relation to developing life skills.

"If you, as a coach, mentor, member player or parent have anything you would like to see being introduced at the club or need the assistance of the Health and Wellbeing Group, then please contact a member of the committee or email us at rossahealthyclub@outlook.com."

The Chairperson of the Health and Wellbeing Group is Meath Harvey and the committee members are: Andrea Thornbury, Naoimhin Love, Gerard McNally, Peter Murphy, Donna McKinney, Andrea Thornbury and Margaret Flynn.

"We are always looking for new members, so if you would like to join us, please speak to one of the above as we would love to discuss ideas with you," added Margaret.