Want to experience the full newspaper experience but can't access our print edition - then the Andersonstown News e-paper is just the ticket for you. 

Published in downloadable format even before the print paper hits the shops, the e-paper can be read on desktop computer and on all mobile devices. And a subscription works out cheaper than the print edition.

Pages can be downloaded and shared with friends from the page-turning e-paper while an entire archive of papers stretching back 14 years is available to subscribers. The e-paper is powered by global company Pagesuite which is also developing an App for our digital editions and rolling news website. 


One subscription gives the reader access to the joint edition of the Andersonstown News-North Belfast News and to the South Belfast News.

Subscription rates are as follows:

One year £38
Six months £19.50
Three months £10.00
One month £3.45

You can register for our e-papers here.