SPRINGHILL Community House is a community education and development charity based in West Belfast. It was founded in 1972 by Father Des Wilson, who was committed to social justice and community education and development. The house quickly expanded from providing advice to offering a wide range of educational and social services to the local community.

Today, Springhill Community House offers a variety of courses and programs for people of all ages and backgrounds. These include GCSE English, Maths, Science and Irish as well as a range of diploma courses in Reflexology, Massage and Thermal Auricular Therapy. The house also hosts a number of social events and activities, women's groups, gardening and community events.


We take a holistic approach and recognise that stress and anxiety can be a barrier to unlocking potential.  In addition to the education programs we deliver a number of complementary therapy clinics in Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Massage.  Each person gets five one-hour therapy treatments which will help reduce stress and improve their mental health.

We believe that everyone has the right to education and development, regardless of their background or circumstances. The house's programs are designed to help people unlock their potential and build a better future for themselves and their families.

Education for the community in the community has been at the heart of our work since 1972. By providing our service we want to ensure that everyone has access to the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life, regardless of their social or economic background.

Our programs have a number of benefits including improved literacy and numeracy skills, better job prospects, and overall better quality of life.

We have helped thousands of people to improve their lives, and they have made a real difference to the local community.

Springhill Community House believes that everyone has the potential to succeed. The house's programs are designed to help people to realize their potential and achieve their goals.

The house's staff are passionate about helping people to learn and grow. They are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

We have a proven track record of helping people to unlock their potential. The house's graduates have gone on to achieve great things, including getting jobs, starting their own businesses, and making a positive difference in their communities.

Springhill Community House is a valuable asset to West Belfast. The house's programs are making a real difference to the lives of people in the city. If you are looking for an opportunity to learn and grow, Springhill Community House is the place for you.

Our programs are making a real difference to the lives of people in West Belfast, and you can be a part of that difference.

How to get involved

There are many ways to get involved with Springhill Community House. You can volunteer your time or take part in one of its many programs.

If you are interested in volunteering, you can contact the house to find out more about the opportunities available. And if you are looking for a course or program to take part in, you can browse the house's website or contact the staff on 02890326722.