THE Legion of Mary are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their annual Our Lady’s Rosary Festival which will culminate in a procession from St John’s Parish to St Peter’s Cathedral.
Organised by the Legion of Mary and the Knights of St Columbanus the festival will mark 20 years of the annual procession and also as a way for people to come and express their faith. Events are taking place all over Belfast this week.
Saturday featured a retreat for mothers at St Teresa’s Parish Hall and also The Camino of St Michael the Archangel plus a Eucharistic healing service with Fr Peter Prusakiewicz which took place at St Michael’s. On Tuesday night there was a Reconciliation Night at Corpus Christi in Ballymurphy.
Thursday will see Fr John Harris, the Prior of the Dominicans in Ireland deliver a talk ‘If Mary Were But Known’ at Holy Rosary Parish Hall at 7pm.
Friday 6 October will see Mass with Sacred Heart Devotions with the Way of the Cross at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church on the Antrim Road at 6pm.
Saturday will feature first Saturday Devotions at 10.30am at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church. There will also be a similar service beginning at midday at St Mary’s on Chapel Lane.
The 20th anniversary procession will take place on Sunday, beginning at St John’s Parish at 2pm and finishing at St Peter’s Cathedral at 2.30pm. Afterwards a Catholic Organisations Fair will be held in St Comgall's followed by refreshments.
Luke McCann of the Legion of Mary and Knights of St Columbanus said it would present an opportunity for people to get back into their faith and also for those who were looking to explore their beliefs more fully.
Luke said: “We wanted to promote the events as a way to promote the faith and give people the opportunity to come back and maybe go to confession and reconnect with their faith.
“It’s a good opportunity for people to come out and profess their faith and an opportunity for fraternity and for people to show their faith. Afterwards at St Peter’s there will be a Catholic organisations fair in St Colmgall's.
“There will be ten or 11 different organisations from all around Ireland there which can create an opportunity for people to maybe go deeper into their faith or to find out what is going on and to develop their faith whilst being part of a community.
“We want people to be aware there are a lot of things happening and a lot of organisations and to make people feel welcome.”