THE Truth Recovery Independent Panel is seeking testimony relating to Mother and Baby Institutions, Magdalene Laundries and Workhouses in Northern Ireland from 1922 – 1995, and their related pathways and practices as part of a wider appeal for engagement.

The 10-person Independent Panel appointed by the Executive Office is carrying out an independent truth recovery process into the operations of these institutions and their practices, which will provide the basis of the Panel’s findings and help to inform the future Statutory Public Inquiry.

Testimony-gathering is an important part of the Independent Panel’s work. Responding to victim-survivors’ desire to share their lived experiences in a non-adversarial forum, the Independent Panel has established a sensitive and carefully designed approach, using specially trained Testimony Facilitators.

Following the initial phases of testimony-gathering, the appeal has now been widened and the Independent Panel would like to hear from:

Anyone who has been directly impacted by one or more of these institutions, and / or their related pathway and practices including the adoption and care systems.
Family members of those directly impacted.
Anyone who has worked, volunteered in, or lived in close proximity to one of these institutions and can share any relevant information, knowledge or memories about them or their practices.

Specific to Belfast, the Panel would like to hear from anyone who used the Good Shepherd Sisters’ laundry in the city, or who visited the convent in any capacity. They would also like to hear from anyone who has any information related to Thorndale House and Industrial Home, Hopedene Hostel, Malone Place/Belfast Mission Maternity Home, Kennedy House/Church of Ireland Rescue League, Mount Oriel Hostel, Deanery Flats, Mater Dei Mother and Baby Home, Marianville Mother and Baby Home.

The appeal is going out locally on the island of Ireland and the wider diaspora internationally.

Co-Chairs Professor Leanne McCormick and Professor Sean O'Connell

Co-Chairs Professor Leanne McCormick and Professor Sean O'Connell

As part of this wider appeal phase, the Independent Panel will be hosting engagement events across Northern Ireland in October. There will be a drop-in event at the Europa Hotel on Tuesday 22nd October, where any one can attend between the hours of 2pm – 4pm, and 6pm and 8pm.

These informal, drop-in sessions will be an opportunity to meet Panel members and testimony facilitators, who can discuss giving testimony and answer any questions people may have. 

They will also be a chance to learn more about the Independent Panel’s work gathering relevant records held by institutions and organisations. To date, the Panel has obtained over 4,500 records which are being processed. The Independent Panel is also finalising guidance to help victims-survivors and / or their family members access information held about them.

Victim-Survivor Representatives have been pivotal to making the Independent Panel’s approach victim-centred and as part of this wider call, Paul McClarey and Maria Cogley appear in new videos appealing for others to take part in the testimony-gathering process. Paul and Maria have direct experience with the institutions under investigation; they were both adopted after being taken away from their mothers who were sent to Marianville Mother & Baby Institution in Belfast in the 1960s.

Truth Recovery Independent Panel Victim-Survivor Representative Maria Cogley explained: “This is the chance to have what happened to us on record and for many of us, where choice was part of the problem in our experiences, it is crucial that we are able to give testimony in whatever form we choose whether that is oral or written. Regardless of how we give testimony, the Independent Panel will ensure we are treated with the utmost sensitivity, care and respect.

“This is the opportunity for people to tell their story in full, however they like, without being questioned or challenged. So many people are living in the shadow of shame and guilt, and it is not theirs to carry.”

Truth Recovery Independent Panel Victim-Survivor Representative Paul McClarey added:
“I know from personal experience that recalling your lived experience is difficult. These events have stayed with us all our lives and it is really difficult to recall them, but for anyone who has the strength to come forward I would really encourage them to do so.

"It will enable the Independent Panel to gather evidence about what happened in these places. It will help us lift the lid on a period of history that needs to be told. I would encourage those who have the strength to come forward to do so, not just for themselves but for others, and recount their lived experience.

"But not just victims-survivors, anybody who knows anything about these institutions, a neighbour who lived beside one of these institutions, a customer who dealt with the Magdalene Laundries, a GP, social worker or a midwife, please come forward."

Commenting on the wider appeal for testimony, Truth Recovery Independent Panel Co-Chairs, Professor Leanne McCormick and Professor Sean O’Connell said: “We are indebted to the victims-survivors who helped us to shape this process to make it as easy as possible for others to come forward.

“We would welcome anyone who wants to find out more about our trauma-informed testimony gathering process to get in touch. If you do choose to share your lived experiences, you will be treated with sensitivity in a safe and supportive environment.

“We know that those seeking the truth about themselves have faced significant obstacles and we are making dedicated efforts – through our upcoming guidance – to support victims-survivors and their families in that journey to access their records.

“This work we are carrying out will also lay the strongest foundations possible for the upcoming Public Inquiry.”

If you would like to give your testimony, or to want to find out more, please contact the Truth Recovery Independent Panel by:
Phone: 028 9052 0263
By writing to:
      Truth Recovery Independent Panel
      4th Floor
      Equality House
      7-9 Shaftesbury Square
      BT2 7DB