A WEST Belfast man has been sentenced after pleading guilty to a number of drugs-related offences.  

Patrick Mulholland (31) of Blackwater Way in the Grosvenor area, appeared at Laganside Crown Court following the seizure of cocaine with an estimated street value of £14,000 at his home address on February 1 last year.

A search found bags of cocaine in his coat pocket and hidden in a shoe. Police also uncovered money, deal bags and an iPhone in a drawer in a bedroom.

Mr Mulholland was given a sentence of one year in custody and one year on licence for being concerned in the supply of a Class A controlled drug. He was also sentenced to nine months in custody and nine months on license for possession of criminal property.

The sentences are to run concurrently, totalling one year in custody and one year on license.

PSNI Detective Inspector MacCionáoith said: “Today's sentencing shows that police, along with our partner organisations, remain committed to disrupting the activities of those involved with criminality and drug-related activity.

"Information from the public is crucial in helping us tackle the scourge of drugs and removing those who supply drugs from our streets. Information can be given directly to police by calling 101 or online at http://www.psni.police.uk/makeareport/.

"Alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at www.crimestoppers-uk.org.