OVER 300 homes in West Belfast have benefitted from brand new, double glazed windows after a major Housing Executive improvement scheme.
Working with contractor Lowry Building & Civil Engineering Ltd, the Housing Executive invested almost £1m to install new PVC double glazing, helping tenants keep their houses warmer and reduce energy bills.
Kate McCormick, who has lived in her Lagmore home for 27 years, had her windows replaced as part of the scheme.
She said: “My new windows look great and I’m really pleased with this upgrade to my home.
“Since having the windows replaced I’ve noticed it feels much warmer and they help reduce noise from outside.
“During the work staff were always on hand to quickly respond to any questions I had, and the work was carried out to a high standard.”
Margaret Marley, the Housing Executive’s Area Manager for West Belfast, added: “Planned improvement works like these are part of our continued commitment to improving our housing stock. We’re really pleased to hear such positive feedback from our tenants following the completion of this window replacement scheme.
“A huge thanks to our contractor Lowry Building & Civil Engineering Ltd for their diligence during the course of these works.”