TWO brothers from West Belfast are celebrating a fantastic achievement after losing an incredible ten stone between them in just five months. 21-year-old Jonathan McCrudden and his 15-year-old brother Lee have credited their local Slimming World class as giving them the help, encouragement and advice they needed to help them reach their weight loss goal.
“We were really scared because we were two young guys and we thought it would be a class full of women,” explained Jonathan. “We were really embarrassed at the thought of joining a weight loss class but when we walked in Liza Trainor, our consultant, met us at the door. She shook our hands and made us feel really welcome.
“She promised she would go to any lengths and do whatever it took to help us lose weight and immediately we felt safe and in the right place. We went away full of enthusiasm and started the Food Optimising plan straight away.”
After a few weeks the brothers started playing racquet sports and gradually built up to joining a gym.
Their consultant Liza Trainor told the Andersonstown News that the two young men were an inspiration to the slimming group.
“The boys have worked really hard to reach this target. They are brilliant ambassadors for Slimming World.
“Jonathan will be entering the Man Of The Year 2012 competition next month and Lee is entering Young Slimmer of the Year 2012 in August with a chance of winning the national finals in November.
“Young adults are free to attend Slimming World between the ages of ten and 15 and we are currently seeing more and more young adults joining because of Lee's success.
“There has been such a change in the guys’ confidence that Jonathan is considering becoming the first male consultant for Slimming World in Belfast.”
Slimming World meets in the Beechlawn Hotel, Dunmurry every Monday at 10, 12, 3.30, 5.30 & 7.30 and O'Donnell's GAC, Whiterock every Tuesday at 10, 12, 5.30 and 7.30. For more information telephone Liza Trainor on 07788146944.