CCU Credit Union members who are entering third-level education in September 2021 could receive £400 in financial assistance under this year’s Student Bursary Scheme.
Student members can now apply for one of ten £400 bursaries ahead of the coming academic year. 

Commenting on the initiative, Clonard Credit Union Chief Executive Ruth Clarke said the scheme aims to support student members who are "the future of the Credit Union”.
“We want to encourage students as best we can by providing a small token to help them along the way but also to retain them as members moving into the future,” she explained.
“They are going to be the borrowers and the savers, so this is a way of supporting them in their next venture.”
She added: “The expense of starting into third level education can be quite high, and as a Credit Union we want to support and encourage people into third level education.”
With over 20,000 members across six branches in West Belfast, Bangor and Holywood, CCU provides a full range of reliable banking service.
“We are not for profit so any profits we make get distributed back to our membership via interest rebate and dividend,” Ms Clarke explained.
CCU is currently accepting new members. Membership applications as well as student bursary applications are available online at a branch.
Students must be able to show evidence of course enrolment and acceptance, and award recipients will be expected to participate or provide feedback for publicity or promotional events.
The award will be deposited in members instant access account in the credit union.
Completed applications must be returned by 23 July 2021 to CCU’s Clonard Gardens Branch or by email.
