Breaking Barriers, Building Futures
In the tapestry of community service, East Belfast Mission has woven a rich history dating back to 1826.
From soup kitchens to homeless support, their commendable employability project has been a cornerstone, aiding local individuals in securing employment for almost four decades.
The latest venture, Belfast Works Connect, funded by the UK government's Levelling Up fund and launched in April 2023, stands as a testament to their enduring commitment. The initiative has swiftly impacted 180 individuals, offering personalized mentoring, targeted training courses, and facilitating transitions into stable, long-term employment.
Cooking class
It's a beacon of hope for those facing economic inactivity, a term coined by government encompassing various workforce-entry barriers like illness, childcare responsibilities, disability, or being young claimants not in education or caregiving roles.
This project marks a shift from a sole focus on employment outcomes to a holistic client journey, allowing funding to be channelled towards a more tailored approach, particularly in enhancing health and wellbeing. OCN level one courses, covering personal development, domestic cooking skills, and basic counselling skills, are complemented by craft and board game days, addressing social isolation.
The inclusion of free gym memberships caters to the physical health and fitness needs of participants. A standout feature is the one-to-one support provided by 'Connect Navigators,' diverse staff bringing experience from the medical field, counselling, wellbeing coaching, and teaching.
Creative design
The project's versatility is evident in successful training sessions, including Beauty and Nails, Mental Health Awareness, Positive Thinking, Mindfulness, and practical cooking skills. Wellbeing days, offering reflexology and massage, have resonated well with participants.
Looking forward, the team plans to introduce new courses every six weeks, emphasizing Domestic Cooking, Counselling Skills, Social Media, and Health and Fitness.
Richard Maguire, the Employability Manager, lauds the project's impact, expressing enthusiasm for individuals overcoming barriers and getting more involved in their local community stating "It's great to see people being supported in overcoming barriers and getting more involved in their local community.
For some, it's about building confidence, while for others, it's having someone to talk through issues with." The project's expanded coverage now encompasses all of Belfast and the North Down and Ards Peninsula area, ensuring accessibility for all. Interested individuals can connect through various channels, reinforcing the project's commitment to inclusivity and community engagement.
East Belfast Mission's Belfast Works Connect emerges as a dynamic force, transforming lives and fostering empowerment.
Interested individuals can reach out by calling 07955528220, emailing, or spotting the community engagement navigator in a nearby shopping or community center.