LIGHT is at the end of the tunnel for long-suffering Hannahstown residents who have been campaigning for footpaths along the busy stretch of country road.

With many heavy vehicles using the Upper Springfield Road, residents have been working with local Sinn Féin reps to have footpaths installed for the safety of the local community.

Alongside representatives from the Hannahstown Community Association, Sinn Féin reps have met with the Minister for Infrastructure, John O'Dowd MLA and his senior officials at Parliament Buildings to discuss progress on the campaign.

The project is the number one priority for local residents and the Hannahstown Community Association with discussions taking place with local landowners.
"We are pleased that following on-going discussions and a focused engagement with the Minister and his Departmental officials, positive progress has been made," said Sinn Féin MLA Órlaithí Flynn.

Órlaithí Flynn MLA and Cllr Arder Carson with Jim Ferguson and Johnny McQuillan of the Hannastown Residents' Association at Stormont

Órlaithí Flynn MLA and Cllr Arder Carson with Jim Ferguson and Johnny McQuillan of the Hannastown Residents' Association at Stormont

"Discussions with landowners on agreed accommodation works are now underway and a detailed design of the scheme is scheduled to be completed by the end of May with construction programmed and expected to commence in the 2025/26 financial year.
"Engagement with Sinn Fein, the Community Association and the department will continue on a regular basis with a focus on the agreed schedule. 
"We would encourage all landowners who have been contacted by Land and Property services or the Department for Infrastructure to engage in those discussions to ensure a speedy conclusion to this element of the scheme."