Well, things are getting better. I’m training more, eating cleaner and sleeping like a log. I’m still no Sonia O’Sullivan, but I can definitely see a marked improvement.

I’ve been training with Gerard McCafferty 3 times a week in St. John Bosco ABC in Conway Mill, as well as running with my dog and trying to squeeze in the odd power walk / lame run. And I must say last week’s idea of mine to download the Rocky soundtrack on my ipod was pure genius, it has worked a treat. Whenever I feel like giving up I just blast that music in my ears for the final push.

Although, I cannot tell a lie, I was absolutely delighted that Saturday’s Park Run was cancelled due to ice. Instead I made myself a hot water bottle and climbed back into my bed for several hours with the biggest smile on my face.

I wasn’t that smug on Saturday night though, after an excruciating training session with Gerard on Thursday night my arms were in absolute agony (especially my drinking arm) and I found it really tough going trying to lift my glass to my mouth. So I gave up after five drinks, and don’t even get me started on how painful it was trying to tear off a slice of pizza, I really wasn’t happy about that one!

So, as far as the coming week goes I’m just gonna keep on trucking. Stick to the boxing training, walking and running, and just try and push myself that bit further each time. It’s really tough trying to motivate yourself on those freezing cold nights, but it’ll be worth it in the long run.

And one of these mornings I will shock myself by getting up at 6am and going for a run, instead of rolling back over for another hour.