AN eight-year-old schoolboy from West Belfast has stumbled upon a groundbreaking discovery – the first-ever water stick insect recorded in the North of Ireland.
The remarkable find took place during a school pond-dipping activity at Bog Meadows Nature Reserve earlier this week, led by Ulster Wildlife as part of the Féile na gCloigíní Gorma.
Kohen Fitzsimmons spotted the rare creature after enthusiastically sneaking in a second dip, despite the wet weather, where luck was on his side.
Dawn Patterson, Community Engagement Officer with Ulster Wildlife, explained how it happened.
“I was considering changing the pond dipping session with Holy Trinity Primary School due to the rain, but the kids were raring to go, with rain gear and nets at the ready. Kohen was so keen that he squeezed in a double dip by nipping to the end of the line, and that’s when he struck it lucky.”
“At first, I hadn’t a clue what the creature was in his net, as it was so well camouflaged. I double-checked the ID sheet and couldn’t quite believe it, so I sent pictures to experts who confirmed the exciting discovery. The kids and I are absolutely thrilled! It just shows you don’t need to be an expert to find a new species for Northern Ireland.”
Dawn Patterson and Kohen Fitzsimmons
Kohen, who hasn’t quite grasped the significance of his find yet, said “I thought it was just a floating stick. I’m really surprised!”
The water stick insect Ranatra linearis was first recorded in Wexford in the south of the country in 2016, by entomologist Brian Nelson. While deemed native to Ireland, its presence has only been documented relatively recently, with a total of 16 sightings across the country. Bog Meadows Nature Reserve now stands as the first location in the North to record its presence.
Resembling a praying mantis, it is the largest water insect in Europe. An underwater predator, related to the water scorpion, it hides among reeds and stems, using its front legs to catch prey such as tadpoles and small fish. Its long tail acts like a 'snorkel', enabling it to breathe underwater. Like many freshwater insects, the water stick insect can fly enabling it to move between ponds and lakes.
Rosemary Mulholland, Head of Nature Recovery with Ulster Wildlife, said: “This is a fantastic find for this urban wetland haven in the heart of West Belfast – well done, Cohen!
"Although we will never know where this water stick insect came from, it’s possible that a warming climate is causing it to spread as our closest records are in Offaly and Dublin. As a native predator, it will take its place alongside the more common water scorpion, diving beetles and dragonfly larvae, that thrive here.”
Find out more about Bog Meadows Nature Reserve at