STAFF have been assaulted and left badly shaken after an armed robbery on a Crumlin Road off-license.

The robbery on Saturday took place around 7.45pm when a man entered the shop dressed in black with the lower half of his face covered. Armed with a knife, the suspect demanded cash from the till before threatening a member of staff with the weapon and grabbing his collar. During the robbery a second member of staff was pushed and a third sustained a cut to their hand.

Police are currently appealing for information and witnesses, Detective Sergeant McAllister said: “At approximately 7.45pm, a man who was dressed in black and had the bottom half of his face covered entered commercial premises on the Crumlin Road, armed with a weapon.

“He confronted a staff member behind the till and demanded money. The suspect then grabbed the staff member by his collar and threatened him with a knife.

“He then proceeded to go behind the till and opened it, taking a sum of cash. Before fleeing the off-licence on foot, the suspect also pushed another staff member and caused a small cut to the hand of a third member of staff. The three staff members were understandably left shaken by what happened – this would have been a terrifying ordeal. Thankfully, the injuries were not serious."

Police have launched an investigation into robbery and are asking the local community for its assistance in supporting their enquiries.

“If you were in the area last night and noticed anything suspicious, we would ask that you call us on 101 quoting reference number 1506 05/10/24. Anyone living in this general area or nearby is also asked to review your doorbell, CCTV or dash-cam footage. Your assistance is of great importance to us in our investigation.”

You can submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via 

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