YOUTHS struck a man on board a Glider travelling on the Falls Road on Tuesday and sprayed another man with a fire extinguisher.

Police are appealing for information following the incidents that took place around 9.15pm yesterday. The youths were confronted by passengers and left the service near Dunville Park.

Sergeant Burns said: “At around 9:15pm, it was reported that a man in his 20s who was on board a Glider service in the area was struck on the back of the head by an unknown object. It was reported that a number of youths, who were believed to have been involved in this unprovoked attack, were challenged by a number of passengers on board. The passenger received an injury to his head following the incident.

“The youths are believed to have taken fire extinguishers from the service and as they were confronted by a man in his 40s on board, the man was sprayed in the face by one of the youths armed with the fire extinguisher. The males then got off the Glider service and made off towards the Dunville Park area. 

“Enquiries are continuing and police would appeal to anyone with any information in relation to the incident, to contact them on 101 quoting reference number 1527 20/08/24. Alternatively, you can submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via .”