A NEWTOWNABBEY residents' group has hit out after plans to build more homes in the Abbeyville area were approved.
The piece of land in Abbeyville Street was formerly a building owned by the Education Authority. It has since been bought by a developer with the building demolished. An application was then submitted to Antrim and Newtownabbey Council to build ten houses which has now been approved.
Emmanuel Mullen, from Whiteabbey Residents' Association, said the residents would prefer a green space for children in the area or a community facility.
"A survey was conducted by myself in the Abbeyville area after concerns were raised by a sizeable amount of residents that planning was granted to a developer for housing on a vacant piece of land in Abbeyville Street," he explained. "This was the second attempt by the developer after it was rejected the first time.
"Abbeyville is a small estate and is tightly squeezed as it is and can not cope with any more traffic or rising population.
"The land in question is the only green space left in Abbeyville and is big enough for a facility for the Abbeyville community who have nothing.
"We have kids walking the streets and teenagers with little or nothing to do and this is simply not good enough.
The land in question
"The traffic situation is also bad. There is a car or two at every house and we don't need anymore.
"The Shore Road at Abbeyville junction where thousands of cars pass daily makes it difficult for locals to get out. It is impossible at times to turn right.
"If you are going to build something, build it for young people and create opportunities for them and listen to residents in the area.
"The voices of the community must be listened to. It is not right to ram more people and houses into a small estate for greed and profit.
"We want this last piece of land saved and a facility built instead for the kids of the Abbeyville community."