ARDOYNE residents have hit out at the Parades Commission for standing over its decision to allow an Orange Order parade past the nationalist district on Saturday.

Yesterday, Crumlin Road and Ardoyne Residents’ Association (CARA) met with the Parades Commission in a last-minute attempt to have the parade decision overturned.

The parade on Saturday morning, which will involve three Ligoniel lodges, is marking Orange Heritage Week and will involve up to 150 people, including a band, but no supporters. No music or drumbeats will be permitted.

The march is due to take place at 9am and last an hour, moving between Woodvale Parade and Ligoniel.

In July, a long-standing agreement over parades in the area between local lodges and The Crumlin Ardoyne Residents' Association (CARA) collapsed.

CARA were granted an application for review and met the Parades Commission on Wednesday to present their case, however, the review was unsuccessful.

A spokesperson for CARA said: "By standing by their decision to allow the Loyal Orders to parade up the Crumlin Road passing Ardoyne, Mountainview and the Dales on Saturday 21st September the Parades Commission has undermined the importance of dialogue and devalued the concept of principled negotiations.

"By rewarding the Loyal Orders, who have unilaterally broken the negotiated 2016 agreement on three occasions, with a return parade the Parades Commission has seriously undermined those in CARA who have spent the past decade promoting compromise as a necessity for resolution. 

"This decision will undoubtedly set back the prospect of conciliation for the immediate future."