CHANGE is happening right across the island, Paul Maskey has said, reflecting on Sinn Féin election result in the general election.

Sinn Féin’s vote went up by over four per cent and the party retained the once marginal seats of North Belfast and Fermanagh and South Tyrone with comfortable majorities and just missed out on the East Derry seat by less than 200 votes. The party is now the largest in the North at local government, Assembly and Westminister level.

In West Belfast Mr Maskey managed to increase his vote from the 2019 poll.

Speaking to the Andersonstown News as he looked back on a dramatic night he said: “Throughout West Belfast and right across the North Sinn Féin brought our message of strong leadership, positive change and a commitment to work for all. Voters have now spoken resoundingly.

“People have overwhelmingly supported decisions about their lives being made here at home, better funding for our public services, and rejected years of cruel Tory cuts.

“Sinn Féin has already met with the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and British Secretary of State Hilary Benn and pressed the need for fair funding and urgent investment in health, education and other public services.

“We also urged them to outline their commitment to Casement and their plans to ditch the Tories’ cynical and cruel Legacy Act.”

He said Casement Park in Andersonstown will be built and called on the British government to “step up” and honour their commitment to contribute financially to the rebuilding of the stadium.

“Change is happening on our island, and now is the time to seize the opportunity to work together to build a brighter and better future for everyone who calls this place home," he added.