A LOCAL councillor says she is "disgusted" after graffiti was daubed at a newly-redeveloped park in North Belfast.

Marrowbone Park on the Oldpark Road re-opened last October following a £4.3 million upgrade.

This week, graffiti was sprayed on signage at the entrance to the park as well as on park furniture used by children.


Local Sinn Féin councillor Nichola Bradley said: "I am absolutely disgusted to see this. Marrowbone Park and pitch is used and enjoyed daily by the whole community.

"Children will be looking forward to playing in this park tomorrow. We have reported this to council and hopefully it will be dealt with quickly. Whoever did this needs to have a good word with themselves."

Crumlin Star Football Club added: "We are both saddened and disgusted at the destruction caused at Marrowbone Park.

"A lot of hard work and time from many people has gone into bringing these facilities to our community and why anyone would want to sabotage that is beyond us."