DUP Minister Gordon Lyons will be a special guest at the Cultúrlann on the Falls Road on Friday night during a talk on the Holy Bible in Irish.

The talk is being organised by Forbairt Feirste as part of its Bringing It Back Home project, which is funded by the Heritage Lottery and focusses on reintegrating the lost Presbyterian heritage of West Belfast into the fabric of local West Belfast life. The Cultúrlann was a former Presbyterian Church before becoming an Irish language centre.

Gordon Lyons, Minister for Communities, will open the event, which takes place in the Dillon Gallery at the Cultúrlann at 7.00pm.

John Duffy of the Colin Glen Christian Fellowship will give the talk. John is the author of 'The History of the Bible in Irish – from manuscript to Digital download'.

Forbairt Director Jake Mac Siacais said: "We are delighted that Minister Gordon Lyons has accepted our invitation and look forward to him receiving a warm welcome on this his first official visit to the Gaeltacht Quarter.

"The event will also have the added attraction of having a unique private collection of Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaidhlig and Manx Bibles on display which have kindly been loaned to us for the evening by Alastair Bonar of the Free Presbyterian Church who will be joined on the evening by a number of former DUP councillors.


"Light refreshments will be available and it will be a great evening where old friends and new can come together to celebrate the richness of the Irish language and the diversity of the people who use Irish in both their daily lives and in some cases in their worship."